Unity Engineer • Programmer • 3D Generalist

Augmented Reality Museum Exhibits

During my role as the Interactive Content Lead for Guru Experience Co. I developed and launched over twenty eight augmented reality experiences for our museum partners. I feel privileged to have contributed to organizations such as The Dali museum and Space Center Houston among many others. I'm a firm believer that cutting edge technology can be leveraged to foster learning and increase cultural awareness.


I was thrilled when The Dalí approached our company to create augmented reality experiences for the museum's eight piece Masterworks Collection. What better way to complement surrealist paintings (some as large as thirteen feet tall) than with interactive AR? Given our aggressive timeline of five months, I decided to use a modular approach in Unity. The setup needed to be flexible enough to integrate the creative direction as it was being developed concurrently. Fortunately my strategy paid off and I was able to deliver eight surreal and fourth wall breaking AR experiences on time.

The Dalís Visual Magic exhibition launched in June of 2019.  The show was extremely popular among visitors and received a great deal of news coverage and fanfare.


"Dalí himself constantly challenged reality in his work and life, and explored the emerging technologies of his time. We believe he would enjoy AR as an interpretive aid to his multilayered, complex images."

- Hank Hine, Executive Director at The Dalí


Selected Works

Please Note: Some footage was created for development purposes.  I am in the process of creating higher quality videos.