Unity Engineer • Programmer • 3D Generalist

3D Animation and Design

Before I discovered (and became inthralled with) the Unity platform and other real-time engines, my career was largely focused in the broadcast motion graphics space.  I worked with 3D and 2D software to create animations for television and other marketing campaigns.  These days I'm passionate about creating interactive games and applications with Unity.  I'm including some of my past CG work in this portfolio because I believe these skills give me a unique edge when a project requires me to wear more than one hat.


For many years I worked at a large broadcast corporation where I created animated show openers for 57 news studios nationwide and led a small team of designers. In the selection of work samples below, I showcase my work from that time period along with an example of my 3D character animation skills implemented in Unity.


All animation samples were created by Jeffrey Domitrz

If you'd like to see more of my animations and 3D design work, please visit my motion graphics portfolio Vimeo page.