Unity Engineer • Programmer • 3D Generalist

Boost is a sci-fi VR sports game that's designed to get your heart thumping and your endorphins flowing! Leap and dive while you thwonk the Orb. Destroy Mines as the action accelerates. Compete to a throbbing sound track that evolves as you score. Catch your breath... and repeat!

In 2016 I was fortunate to have attended the Unity Vision Summit. During the conference Steam's Gabe Newell famously had his "Oprah moment." All attendees received a free HTC Vive VR headset and as a result I spent very little time outside of my garage/holodeck for the next several months.  During that time I developed Boost and released it on Steam.

I'm proud to have seen it through to an early access release but in hindsight I made just about every mistake in the book in regard to my development process - I'm guilty of polishing before play testing and other crimes.  I also wish I could have continued refining the project post release but life events got in the way and the game only ever received one major update.  Nonetheless this was a fun and fantastic learning experience and I've come a long way since then!


Boost was created, designed and developed by Jeffrey Domitrz